
Showing posts from September, 2019

In Bruges - A Hilarious Dark Tale

In Bruges - A Hilarious Dark Tale To me, the film In Bruges at first seemed rather dull. It felt as though it would be another b-movie comedy, only this time taking place in a boring European city – the main character of the film even agreed the city of Bruges was an old boring capital. Though by the end of the film I was moved away – what I’d thought was a comedy was not humorously or happily ended, but rather dark, grim and quite sad. I had indeed come to love this film. The character Ray and his unique expressions delivered a lot of the comedic elements, and along with the second main character Ken, brought together an expression of comedy, friendship and betrayal all together portrayed very well. The ever-present theme and the sombre soundtrack in its own way characterised the city. The location being a quiet capital of Europe centred around tourist attraction posed a unique stance of setting. The film as hilarious as it appeared delivered some dark themes: